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Diabetes is a worldwide epidemic. It can have severe effects on you body. I pride myself in treatments for diabetic patients and Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) assessments gives me a holistic understanding and assessment of your feet.

What is Diabetes?

It is a condition in which the amount of sugar /glucose in the blood is too high. This is because your body is unable to see the sugar properly and this is because the body’s way of making glucose into energy is not working optimally.


How can Diabetes affect my feet?

Our feet are supplied with blood to keep them healthy and normal. Our feet has many nerves as a warning system so if you have a stone or needle in your shoe then your nerves in your feet will instantly send a message to your brain.However, if your diabetic condition is not controlled well for a long period of time this can result in Nerve damaging which reduce feeling in your feet The damaged nerve will now mean that you will no longer feel the needle or stone in your shoe because of the loss of feeling in your feet. This loss of sensation in your feet could now lead to an injury in your feet that you can’t feel, and that injury can further lead to an infection.Poor Circulation Now of you have poor circulation the infection affecting your feet will take longer to heal than a non-diabetic foot. This is because of decreased blood flow in a diabetic foot. If You have poor circulation its very important to take extra care to protect your feet from injury. Most foot problems in diabetic people occurs when injuries occur and go unnoticed and untreated and the healing is delayed because of poor circulation.

Guidelines for Diabetes

  • Maintain healthy blood sugar levels

  • Don’t smoke

  • Keep your feet clean

  • Exercise regularly

  • Avoid walking barefoot to avoid injury

  • See a podiatrist

  • Wear well-fitting shoes

  • Cut and file nails carefully

  • Inspect your feet every day

  • Regular Reflexology sessions improve circulation of oxygen and blood flow in your feet and rest of your body

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